thoughts, ideas, projects, and discoveries on technologies
My passion has always been on software development, and I know it since I wrote my first program on an Apple II. I worked on cellular wireless system in the past (C/C++) and now focus on web application (LAMP, PHP, MySQL, CakePHP, Symfony, jQuery, Google AppEngine/python).
abit android apache app engine audio bandwidth benchmark bing blogroll bluetooth boinc bookmark botnet bt cakephp cdma cellphone chinese chrome clouds coding crash crawler date dns drm dsl fedora friendster g1 gaim gdesklets gmail google grid h323 hardware html ie6 instant messaging internet javascript jquery language lifestreaming linux liunx meetup ming motorola msi mysql nas nat networking nokia ntp nucleus opinion optimization os p2p palm parrot php power reblog redhat regex rss sdk se search security shell skype social network spam stats string svn syntax sysadmin t-mobile teksavvy telecom thinkpad time tips tuning tv twitter unix voip web web app web2.0 webos wordpress
hey hi there i thought you might be really geeky so just wanna ask you a stupid question about gaim... i really would like it to start automatically when windows starts but it seems that there is no such an option unless i go back to older versions... am i missing out something from the preference or...???
btw... does gaim have any problem w/ icq i dunno my account is hacked or what it just keeps saying that i have incorrect password, which fundamentally i haven't changed my password and the whole thing went wrong in one day!
hope you're kind enough to answer me... =) thanks!
Indeed, there is no such option. I am running gaim on FC6 in GNOME, I save the session with gaim running. So when it restores the seesion next time I login, gaim is started automatically.
I run gaim for ICQ/MSN/YM, they work alright to me. I would suggest to verified your ICQ account from windows.
Hope this answer your question.
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