The Need for supportsFeature
The question is whether a plugin writer should add supportsFeature in the code, and as radek suggested, this function should be added. Here some rules of thumb for implementing supportsFeature:
1) A plugin should always declared suportsFeature, it could be something like this:
function supportsFeature($feature) { switch($feature) { case 'SqlTablePrefix': return 1; default: return 0; } }
2) A plugin actually does support SQL table prefix if it does not performs any SQL query.... It is a strange idea. A scenario: A Nucleus is setup to use tableprefix, it calls the plugin's supportFeature() during installation, and since the plugin has none, the PLUGIN::supportsFeature() is called and it returns false. The plugin results failed to install.
3) Plugin writer should not override the function by simply putting
function supportsfeature($feature) { return true; }You just don't know what feature going to be implemented in the future.....
If a plugin does not add supportsFeature, this happened.....