NP_Smiley v0.7
comentario wrote:
testando comentario
Monkeybrain wrote:
Great plugin Admun.
Idea for improvements:
1. Add your own smileys in an Admin page. eg: replace the images with your own,create new smiley tags etc etc..
2. Add a template to customize the way Smileys are shown on the comment form etc.
Just a few thoughts
Admun wrote:
nice suggestion. I will track it for future feature
buge wrote:
where should i put the folder "emoticons" ?
Admun wrote:
the emoticons folder should be under nucleus/plugins
n00b wrote:
I have the folder "emotions" in /nucleus/plugins/ and i have the file "NP_Smiley.php" in /nucleus/plugins/ and I use the admin to install the plugin.
I go to post a comment on the blog and i see no emots.
smiley_panel.template I have tried putting in /nucleus/forms/ and still no emots show.
You could really use a "readme" file in the .zip to explain where the files go... a readme would not take much effort to write and it would save someone like myself posting on here.
Be nice if you could explain where i put the files or why its not working for me.
Admun wrote:
hum.... I think you should posted on the forum... maybe you can provide your URl and I can take a look. From your description I cannot tell the problem.
Also, did you follow the instruction here:
blog wrote:
blog wrote:
great tool
Gurdit wrote:
Hi. Can you tell me which Calendar script you are using please?
Admun wrote:
NP_Calendar plugin
Ice wrote:
How do I save my emoticons in a folder? Right now its all in MSN messenger. I'm afraid if I reinstall my windows, all my emoticons will be gone! What should I do??
Admun wrote:
hum? This plugin is for NucleusCMS... not MSN??
Ed Croson wrote:
I have installed the emoticons, and they are showing up on the page when I go to make a comment. The problem I am having is that I have to drag the emoticon I want use in a comment into the comment window, rather than just have it appear in the window when I click on it an emoticon.
When I drag it into the window, I get this, for example:
javascript:insertext(' ')
The smiley shows up in the comment, but so does the javascript.
I notice it works correctly on this page and I am hoping you can tell me what I need to do.
Admun wrote:
sorry, you click the icon to add it..... not drag.
Sisp wrote:
Very good plug in thanks very much
jake wrote:
where can i get emticons so ican make them and no moving 1s
Admun wrote:
I included them in the package as well......