NP_MiniForum v0.5.2 (beta)
After much coding, I'm able to make the remote script works much better. Now, I don't even need the jpg file as a hook.
Install instruction:
- replace NP_MiniForum.php (remove the jpg file in miniforum/trigger.jpg if you update from 0.5.1)
- insert <%MiniForum(script,[forumname])%> after <body> in your skin ie <%MiniForum(script,default)%>
NP_MiniForum v0.5.2 (beta)
Install instruction:
- replace NP_MiniForum.php (remove the jpg file in miniforum/trigger.jpg if you update from 0.5.1)
- insert <%MiniForum(script,[forumname])%> after <body> in your skin ie <%MiniForum(script,default)%>
NP_MiniForum v0.5.2 (beta)
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