Admun's NUDN


  • San Francisco, CA




NP_IP2Country v0.2

23:02:53 on 09/04/07 by Admun - Category: My Work - tags: - print


wessite wrote:

hey admun, little question. Would it be possible to get the latitude and longitude of your visitors? Cause I'm working on a google maps plugin and it would be cool to get a map which automaticaly sets a marker of the visitor.


09/11/07 14:31:58

Admun wrote:

no, this plugin basically use a IP-2-country database to map where the visitor come from. IP blocks are assign to domain, which list the country it is in. That's why it works. There is no mapping if IP to lat/long I know of..... and no way to know this anyway from just a IP as ISP always dynamically assigned that IP.

09/11/07 15:31:51

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