Getting a Dose of Parameters
I know, this is mostly HTTP stuff, but it is improtant for a plugin writer to understand this because this is how a plugin received inputs from external. And I found this useful information here and thought to make a note to it to remind myself.
All of these methods make sure that no magic quotes are present (the magic_quotes_gpc PHP option automagically replaces ' by \', when enabled), and work on all PHP versions on which Nucleus runs (> 4.0.6)
There are also many server-side global variables directly available:
Steal shamelessly directly from the wiki:
Instead of using $_POST of $HTTP_POST_VARS to get request variables, it's suggested to use one of the following methods, making sure you get the same data under different PHP configurations:
$var = getVar('name'); // $_GET $var = postVar('name'); // $_POST $var = cookieVar('name'); // $_COOKIES $var = serverVar('name'); // $_SERVER $var = requestVar('name'); // $_REQUEST (=GET/POST or COOKIE) $var = intPostVar('name'); // same as postVar, but // parses data into an integer (intval) $var = intGetVar('name'); // =intval(getVar(..)) $var = intRequestVar('name'); $var = intCookieVar('name');
All of these methods make sure that no magic quotes are present (the magic_quotes_gpc PHP option automagically replaces ' by \', when enabled), and work on all PHP versions on which Nucleus runs (> 4.0.6)
There are also many server-side global variables directly available:
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