Admun's NUDN


  • San Francisco, CA




Agenda for developer IRC session #2

Here's a list of item to discuss:
  1. walk through the feature list, discuss the roadmap for next release: timeframe, required features. I don't know we want a roadmap that look too far into future. I'd suggest a roadmap of 2 releases in the roadmap: up-coming release, future releases, and no interest.
  2. discussion on the synergy with BlogCMS, how to best collabrate ie plugin/bugs/feature backport. Update: There seem to be more and more posts from radek on the forum about "new" BLOG:CMS plugins that does not work directly on Nucleus, and causing users to puzzle... is this a issue that we need to talk to him?
  3. karma said in last meeting: "I did have an idea about plugin interoperability with BlogCMS. It's a thing to do on Radek's side, though. Here goes: instead of having BlogCMS-specific plugins inherit from NucleusPlugin, have them inherit BlogCMSPlugin. Then create BlogCMSPlugin as a class that inherits from NucleusPlugin. BlogCMS-specific plugins will then simply fail to install on Nucleus core, since no BlogCMSPlugin class is available." Progress on this?
  4. plugin license, do we want to stay GPL or allow LGPL to allow commerical plugin?

14:04:05 on 06/12/04 by Admun - Category: Developer Info - tags: none - print


karma wrote:

As for point 3: I've sent this idea to Radek, and he said he would do that for future plugins that use BLOG:CMS only functions. As for the current Blog:CMS plugins, most of them should work for Nucleus as well (haven't tested that, though), so those can still inherit directly from NucleusPlugin.

06/13/04 08:29:03

Admun wrote:

cool. the item is out. cool

06/13/04 19:29:55

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