Adopt a plugin - Admun's 3.0/RC plugins
download here (coming soon) These plugins are: - deployed on my own blog - using the XE improved version if possible - tested for XHTML 1.0 - tested with normal and FancyURL (not Fancier!!) - support sql_table() - fixed bugs reported from the forum - some enhanced with my own tweaks My intention is to keep this pack as closely to XE as possible and as bug/improvement is found for those not in XE. Afterall, I use these plugins myself. In the long-run (hopefully after 3.0 final come out), I'd like to see a revamp on the plugin development model. Currently, plugins are posted in many places: Xiffy's wiki, plugins.nucleus site, sourceforge plugin project, XE, and now admun's little pack. On the other hand, everyone posted new code on the forum and changes may/maynot get to wiki/plugin.nucleus site, and Radek works hard on the cool XE distribution. It works fine most of the time. But as we grow, people come and go, more and more dead links to plugin code, our plugin development effort is degenerating. New users going to scratch their head in puzzle. I think it is time we put in a bit of a process to the plugin development. Do you agree? I have been thinking about this and would like to propose the follow actions: 1) merge as many non-XE plugin w/ the XE version as possible (I'm spearheading this here) 2) test the remaining plugins that is not in XE once 3.0 release, and "certify" them against 3.0. A plugin can be either officially (tested and supported) or extra (everything else) (everyone can help here, I did not use all plugin out there) 3) decide where all plugins should be located, w/ code in zip file on the same server (so no more dead URL) I'm currently more kin on the wiki from xiffy. Maybe use the plugin project as some core "officially" supported plugins 4) update the centralize plugin repository, upload the code, put history/credit, update doc, mark it status (official or extra). 5) come up with a plugin maintainance process, which governing how to introduce new plugin to the repository, updating existing plugins and etc. This process will be post on the plugin forum for all developers to see. This process should be very slim and all developers hopefully follow to the dot. Here's a list of plugins in this package and their status: