Turning 0x22
category: Admun at large
posted by: Admun @ 04:00:00 on 01/20/05
tags: personal
display: 3076x
Another year, just another year in life.
I don't want to make it a big deal.... But hey, I'm blogging about myself and things around me.
It's been a long way from the beginning; tumbling childhood years, schooled in the colonial society, graduated from F.5x3, from Hong Kong to Canada, graduated from high school again, college/university, working in the profession I love in the capital, all the adventures, perfecting my ride on the hill.
I've been lucky in life and I'm glad the world been easy on me.
All the recent tragic in the world and things happen around me makes me treasure more what I have today; families, friends, health, whatever.
Maybe I'm just getting old.... I mean more mature.
For my birthday, here's my wish(es) (Yes, I'm greedy):
- A relationship with someone I can share my life with
- Be a better me, excel in every aspects; might that be work, wealth, snowboarding, EQ
- Happiness, for myself and all people
- And of course, world peace
tags to del.icio.us: personal
tags to Technorati: personal