It has been almost a month since the tragic incident in that Alberta community. As the investigation continues, more questions arise, but no answer.

The answer was too late for those who lost their love one.

The Globe and Mail: RCMP says it can't plan for 'insane behaviours' and RCMP say James Roszko heavily armed the day he murdered 4 Alta. Mounties

Yes, the RCMP cannot plan for exterme case all the time and everytime. But I wonder if there is flaw in the system that impair the RCMP to see the potential danger ahead of time. I mean, the guy is known to have a violent past and with more than seldom encounter with the laws. Yet he is able to roam, terrorize, and even at the end ambush the one who serve and protect the community. I'm sure there are tatical procedure that backup and such are called in if there are great potential danger to the officers and the public. But it still sad to see all failed and people are killed.

Mountie killer convicted on only a handful of more than 30 charges he faced

It just awful to read that this guy keeps getting away from serious charges and no one is stopping him. He seem to be breaking at least a few laws or so to get away from the charges, yet he get away to continue roam and terrorize? People get threatened to drop charges, others asked for to cover for him, and then there are those who agree to drop charges in exchange for a pay off.... it just seem justice is not served, sadly.

In addition, how our society create such a person?

I hope something is done to prevent this sort of things from happening again. It's already too late for those who were killed by such monster. That's enough.
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