The weather tonight is typical Ottawa cold-like-hell; icy, bone chilling, skin biting. It's not the worst, but definitely not a warm night. After the session, I can feel the warm blood rushing to my toe... it's cold!

The focus in this session is advanced sliding turn with timing and coordination.

- Unstable on icy terrain
- Too much extension on toe-to-heel turn initiation
- Not enough flex/extension on heel-to-toe turn
- Narrow range of flex/extension on heel-to-toe turn
- Slight counter rotation on heel-to-toe turn

- More angulation, to allow more bending on toe side
- Maintain constant flex/extension motion
- Gradual flex/extension moment
- Stay smooth throughout the turn
- Ensure straight back
- Hand on inner knee during heel-to-toe turn
- Equal pressure throughout turn

- Tornado turn
- Counting; 1-2-3 up, 1-2-3-4 down
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