The hill is almost empty until the ski instructors shot down the hill. The weather is kind of warm early in the evening, with snow comes and goes all night. The scene looks amazing when thick flakes of snow falling from the sky, covering the whole hill.

The session is focus on intermediate sliding turn, my weakest as a L1.

- Make sure to assume cow boy stand
- Body align within the center of board, with hands align.
- Keep back straight
- Twist the disk, aka drive with your knees. The turn is steer by the knee, compared to drive by arm/shoulder in the beginner turn.
- The different between intermediate and advanced sliding turn is how soon the turn is initiated and the flexion is soon follow.
- One indicator is where the snow is spread. In intermediate sliding turn, the snow is spreading downhill. The spread is to the side or even uphill as the performance improve.

- Heel-side turn does not hold and fall on my butt. The same happen during course.

- Increase board angulation and inclination during turn. This allow more natural knee bent (so, body does not overly lean outward or butt sticking out). This way, the edge digs into snow more effectively.
- One note on flexion, be sure to apply equal pressure, else the back of board might slide out.

- Pogo turn: straight back, minimal knee bent, turn by board angulation/inclination
- Rub me turn: keep hands by the legs, flex/extend with arm moving up/down (the rubbing)
- Reverse basketball shooting (ball carrying == flex, shooting == extend)
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