On cable TV here in North America, there is a show called Judge Judy, hosted by a retired family court judge turns TV show personality. She resolves family dispite cases on TV. It is common for people in the US of A to bring despite to court, they just seem to have a habit of suing whatever they like.....

Recently in Canada, some muslim community propose to setup a muslim tribunals to resolve family despite using Sharia law.

I have not give it much thought yet, but I'm not sure this is a good idea for our communities. My reason is that the tribunal is based on Muslim Sharia law, I'm worry it sets an incorrect precedence for more such ruling on family matters, which may create a chaos as many different values clash on the same issues. Also, I'm wondering what kind of power this tribunal has on people that is not muslim. In addition, some believed that this law marginalize women.

Ontario will make own decision about Muslim tribunals: McGuinty - Yahoo! News

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