Blogroll for tag twitter
Twitter: Don’t blame Ruby, blame Scoble (VentureBeat)
WeFollow - A twitter user directory that oranize users in clusters of tag
Twitter 中毒 + Twitter 精選 (亞當閒話)
TwitterGram - A experimental service combining twitter with mp3
Twitter Fan Wiki - All unoffical information, tools for Twitter
Twitter: What are you doing? - A global community to put out their thought in a short meesages/microblogging entries (up to 140 chars), aloow people to connect via social networking, and interact via sms, im, or on the web
Twitter玩意權威指南:Web App篇 (Jan’s Tech Blog)
十個不喜歡Twitter的理由 (牢騷絮語)
Twitter玩意權威指南:Software篇 (Jan’s Tech Blog)
twittervision - A real-time display of Twitter messages with a google.
What Twitter is (Scripting News)
plusplusbot - A brownie points service taps into Twitter, you can express how you feel with ++ or -- - A website that show what people are overheard on Twitter
fring - A mobile client for Skype, MSN Messenger, ICQ, Google Talk, SIP & Twitter
twitterlibphp - A PHP libary for the Twitter API
Twitter, Facebook called on for higher purpose (CNET) - Interesting use of twitter/facebook and other social network infrastrucure for a good cause.
A decentralized Twitter? (Scripting News)
Remember The Milk - A online to do list and task management via twitter
Gridjit: A Social Portal for Twitter - A service to remash friend tweets, sort by user
Twitter: Time for Maturity
Commuter Feed: Latest Incidents - Traffic report via twitter
TwitPic - A web service to share photos on twitter
Twittershare - A file sharing service using Twitter
再談 Twitter (網絡暴民)
Nearly a million users, and no spam or trolls (
TwitterWhere? - A twitter toy to show twitters/tweets on or nears a location
twittermap - Twitter toys to show twitters on the map
TwittEarth - A twitter watcher using a 3D-ish globe
Twitter Tools, Tweaks and Theories (TypePad Hacks)
Twubble - A service helps expand twitter followers by searching one's friends graph and picks people who may be interested to follow
Digsby - A IM, email, and social networks client in one
Twitter Said To Be Abandoning Ruby on Rails (Techcrunch)
Spaz - An open-source Twitter client for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux in Adobe Air
gtwitter - A native GNOME twitter client
The Proper way to use Twitter (Technagogy)
Twitter as a scalability case study
Twitter on its architecture: We can rebuild it. We have the technology. (VentureBeat)
Scaling Twitter: Making Twitter 10000 Percent Faster (High Scalability)
It all started with a messenger bag (Twittermaven)
Can Twitter Be Saved? (ReadWriteWeb) - A simple update service to many social networks at once
17 Ways You Can Use Twitter: A Guide for Beginners, Marketers and Business Owners
Twitturly - A web service that track popular URL on twitter
TweetStats - A service to collect twitter statistics for a user
Getting Started on Twitter (Pistachio)
HelloTxt - A on-line update/status manager service for social networking services
Retweetist - A service to provide a view into what got retweeted
5 Great Alternatives to the Twitter Interface (LostInTechnology)
12 Twitter Stream Aggregators To Make You Smarter (Online Marketing Blog)
豬欄: [博落豬格]Re-ping 的煩惱 (Twitter 小眾文章一篇)
twitterlibphp - A twitter library for PHP
PHP Twitter - A PHP wrapper class around the Twitter API
7 Top Twitter Topic Trackers (ReadWriteWeb)
Twitter 2012 (Scobleizer)
Facebook friend helps avert suicide from 3,000 miles away (CNET News)
Scaling Twitter and Other Lessons from Mr. Cook (Ruby Sunday)
TweetStats - Statistices of a twitter user
Twitter Quitters Post Roadblock to Long-Term Growth (Nielsen Wire)
Twitter Follower Check - A web service to check twitter following relationships
TweetGrid - A 3rd party twitter service to create a search dashboard to track topics of interest
Why Would Twitter Kill RSS? (WebProNews)
Twitter, an Evolving Architecture (InfoQ)
Twibbon - A web service to promote awareness by overlay a tiny image in your avatar on popular web service like Twitter
The Evolution of Blogging (GigaOM)
How Twitter works in theory (Epeus' epigone)
twitterfeed - A web service to feed blog (or any RSS) to twitter
Trendsmap - A real-time web service that map twitter topic on a map
Twitter Bootstrap - A simple and flexible framework of HTML, CSS, and Javascript by Twitter to build interactive UI