Blogroll for tag sysadmin
The Big Brother - A system monitor tool
Nagios - A open source host, service and network monitoring program
UGU: Unix Guru Universe
collectd - A networked system statistics collection daemon
Server Fault - A community Q&A forum website for system administrators and IT professionals
You Asked For It: Chris’ Awesome But Short Guide To Deployment Using Phing
phpvirtualbox - A virtualbox web admin interface written in PHP
WePloy - A light-weight PHP based software deployment system
Webmin - A web-based interface for system administration for Linux
Func - A secure, scriptable remote control framework and API
cfengine - A open source distributed configuration management system
Puppet - Server automation software
Chef - A open-source systems integration framework built specifically for automating the cloud - A browser-based real-time log aggregation and monitoring tool
graphite - A time-series data visualizer
Heka - A stream processing software system
Sensu - A servers, services, application health, and kpi monitoring system
Grafana - A log metrics analytic monitoring dashboard system