Blogroll for tag social+networking
Ning brings social networking to the masses | CNET
Ning - A web service allow user to create their own social networks
Share Icon Project - An icon to represent the generic action adding/linking to social bookmarking site or memetracker
Social lending the next Web 2.0 phenomenon - A social bookmarks service pioneering the use of tagging
MyBlogLog - A social communities service to allow blog authors and readers interact as a group.
LinkedIn - A social networking site that focus on co-worker and job hunting
Friendster - The social networking service focus on finding a friend and love
Trust in Web-based Social Networks - Information on turning web into a social network
The Friend of a Friend project - Information on FoaF
Twitter: What are you doing? - A global community to put out their thought in a short meesages/microblogging entries (up to 140 chars), aloow people to connect via social networking, and interact via sms, im, or on the web
Digg Dips Deep Into Open Source
Facebook - A on the raise social networking site, focus on connction users with people around them and from different setting (work, school, etc)
Facebook's plan to hook up the world (CNN)
XHTML Friends Network - XFN is a simple way to represent human relationships using hyperlinks
Pownce - A way to send messages, files, links, and events to your friends.
Facebook平台 (对牛乱弹琴)
Facebook Developers - Deveopler info to writing applications to integrate with Facebook
Audioscrobbler - A database that tracks listening habits and does wonderful things with statistics
Zingku - A social netowrk service running on cellphone via SMS
Mugshot - A on-line desktop service to allow users to share contents from various popular on-line services
Pligg CMS - A open source social digg-like CMS
Twitter, Facebook called on for higher purpose (CNET) - Interesting use of twitter/facebook and other social network infrastrucure for a good cause.
Social Wallpapering - A computer wallpaper repository
Social Graph API - Google API to support social networking on the net
jaanix - A social news website that allow user to customize what news to see
WordPress Making Its Social Networking Move? (GigaOM)
FriendFeed - A mini-feed service to mashup what your friends are sharing on-line
PHPDug - A digg clone
Foxmarks - A Firefox based social bookmark service
boxee - A social media center for video, music, and pictures
Elgg - A open source social networking platform - A web service to manage OpenID online identities
Why MySpace Is Really GeoCities 2.0 (GigaOM)
I scream, you scream, we all scream for iGoogle social! (Official Google Blog)
The Future of Facebook (Web Strategy by Jeremiah)
Interlaced: Email and Social Networks
Open Graph protocol - A way to integrate the Internet with Facebook social network
The Appleseed Project - A open source, fully decentralized social networking software
The 10 Social Media Metrics Your Company Should Monitor