Blogroll for tag security
SAINT Network Vulnerability Scanner - A computer security vulnerability scanner
Shields UP! — Internet Vulnerability Profiling - A on-line security scanner
Snort - An open source network intrusion prevention and detection system
Matt's Unix Security Page - A UNIX security resouce page
Nessus - A popular vulnerability scanner
The Honeynet Project - A virtual environement to trap and observe the bad guys
The Complete, Unofficial TEMPEST Information Page
Cryptome - Resources on crypto and security
DShield - Distributed Intrusion Detection System, The Internet's Early Warning System and Internet Security community site - Security incident trends real-time info
Remembering the Net crash of ’88
Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO - Information on Creating Secure Software
Project Honey Pot - A distributed spam tracking network
Tor - A toolset for those want to improve their safety and security on the Internet by surfing anonymously
Know your Enemy: Web Application Threats
Suhosin - An advanced protection system for PHP installations
ModSecurity - Open Source Web Application Firewall - A Apache module to protect web application from attacks
DNS Pinning Explained (christian's weblog)
Reflections on Trusting Trust (ACM Classic) - A chicken and egg story for compiler
SURBL -- Spam URI Realtime Blocklists - A realtime blocklists for spams
Report: Cybercrime Stormed the Net in 2007
OSSEC - An open source host-based intrusion detection system
tinc - A daemon to create encrypted tunnel to form a Virtual Private Network between hosts on the Internet.
Are We Seeing the First Facebook “Worm”? (FacebookAdvice)
Strata Guard Free - A feature-rich intrusion detection and prevention system based on SNORT
The ins and outs of SQL injection (The PHP Blog)
The First Linux Botnet
PHPIDS - A PHP layer to helps web application to detect and log attacks
Seven habits for writing secure PHP applications