Blogroll for tag rails
Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
Mongrel - A HTTP library and server for Ruby using HTTP
Ruby on Rails - A web application framework based on Ruby language
Ruby Programming Language - A programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity
Phusion Passenger - mod_rails is apache Ruby on Rails server
Twitter Said To Be Abandoning Ruby on Rails (Techcrunch)
memcached - A distributed memory object caching system
OpenShift - Redhat's PaaS solution, competitor to GAE and alike
Heroku - A cloud application platform for Ruby, Node.js, Clojure, Java, Python, Scala, and PHP
Cloud Foundry - PaaS offering from VMware
Engineyard - A PaaS to host PHP or Rails web application
AppFog - A PaaS and IaaS for Java, Python, Node, .Net, Ruby, PHP, MySQL, Mongo, PostgreSQL, etc.