Blogroll for tag programming
Software Horror Stories
N-Tier Architecture - An Introduction
The 5 Hardest Parts of Programming - A reflection of tricky topic in programming today
寫 code 的幾個 best practice (2) - 杜B記事
Programmers' Heaven
PLEAC - Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook
Top Ten of Programming Advice NOT to follow (Chryler)
Six ways to write more comprehensible code
Reflections on Trusting Trust (ACM Classic) - A chicken and egg story for compiler
Unmaintainable code
History's Worst Software Bugs
maemo - A application development platform for Internet Tablets (Nokia N series) based on Gtk+/GNOME
Software Engineering Tips for Startups (BlueBlog)
Getting Real
F*cking programming (Codeulate)
linux kernel fuck count (linux kernel fact center)
What PHP Deployment Gets Right (Ian Bicking)
Is Design Dead?
RegExr: Online Regular Expression Testing Tool
Best Programming Jokes
Google I/O Sessions videos - A collection of videos from Google I/O developer conference
Open Handset Alliance - A Google-drive alliance to provide a open and free mobile platform
The Evolution of a Programmer
Source making - Design Patterns
Beej's Guide to Unix Interprocess Communication
POSIX Threads Programming
Linux POSIX Threads Tutorial
Beej's Guide to Network Programming Using Internet Sockets
libevent - an event notification library for *nix
Extension Writing Part I: Introduction to PHP and Zend
Extension Writing Part II: Parameters, Arrays, and ZVALs
Extension Writing Part III: Resources
Steve's Bourne / Bash shell scripting tutorial
The decline and fall of Agile (Successful Software)
Standard Template Library Programmer - STL for C++
The Problem With Logging (Coding Horror)
Top 25 Most Dangerous Programming Mistakes (Haytham El-Fadeel)
Should Competent Programmers be "Mathematically Inclined"? (Coding Horror)
Stack Overflow - A community Q&A forum website for programmers
25 Best Programmer Comics (Slashweb)
17 PHP Practices That Should Be Banished Forever
REGex TESTER - A on-line tool to test regular expression
Gearman - A application framework to distribute works to machines for process
Erlang - A computer language designed for applications that is concurrent, distributed, fault-tolerant, and soft-real-time
The Scala Programming Language - A powerful general purpose programming language
A successful Git branching model - A robust approach to software development version control in a team environment
HipHop for PHP: Move Fast
XHP: A New Way to Write PHP
A successful Git branching model
Yahoo! developer network - Information on integration web application with Yahoo! web services (via web API)
App Inventor for Android
The Inception of Computer Science (Spoiler)
Processing - An open source programming language and environment to create images, animations, and interactions
Opa - An open source, simple and unified platform for writing web applications
node.js - a light weight and efficient platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications
CoffeeScript - A little language that compiles into JavaScript
Jenkins CI - A java-based continuous integration server that help build and test software projects
Android Developers
Android Bootcamp Series 2012
PHP: a fractal of bad design
PHP Sucks! But I Like It!
We Don’t Know Deployment: A 4-Step Remedy
A Baseline for Front-End Developers
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
Design Patterns Tutorial
Five common PHP design patterns
AntiPatterns, a Brief Tutorial
Aspect-Oriented Programming
A look at aspect-oriented programming
The Art of Unix Programming
Curly's Law: Do One Thing
SOLID: Part 1 - The Single Responsibility Principle - Tuts Code Tutorial
SOLID: Part 2 - The Open/Closed Principle - Tuts Code Tutorial
SOLID: Part 3 - Liskov Substitution
SOLID: Part 4 - The Dependency Inversion Principle - Tuts Code Tutorial
Dependency Injection: Huh?
PlantUML - A Java component to read and generate UML diagram
Best available PHP RESTful Micro Frameworks