Blogroll for tag map - Allow user to create their own map with Google Maps GUI by uploading image as map
中原地圖 - A good set of map of HK
gVisit - Use Google Maps to find out where your visitors are coming from
twittervision - A real-time display of Twitter messages with a google.
Mobile GMaps - A java based map program using Google Maps, Yahoo! Maps and Windows Live Local
J2MEMAP - Java Google map client with GPS support
Edushi - 3D maps of China cities (included HongKong)
Google Maps
Google Earth - A 3D geospatial search application
GPS Track - A java progream to record the path that you travel using a GPS and java capable cellphone
Universal package tracking
twittermap - Twitter toys to show twitters on the map
TwitterWhere? - A twitter toy to show twitters/tweets on or nears a location
VerveEarth - Mapping the blog onto a global map
Ask500 - A public opinion polls service with a map interface
OpenStreetMap - A open project to build a free geographic database to anyone who wants them
Marble - A KDE based globe atlas program similar to Google Earth
VikingWiki - A open-source GPS data management tool
GeoServer - A open source geo map server
我的初吻在這裡發生... (The doctor is IN 這醫生很~潮*)
Trendsmap - A real-time web service that map twitter topic on a map
USGS Map locator and downloader - Free US topography maps