Blogroll for tag linux
‘Unix beats Windows’ - says Microsoft! | Paul Murphy |
uClinux - A port of Linux to systems without a Memory Management Unit (MMU)
WiSH - x10 driver for Linux
Xbox-Linux - Putting Linux on Xbox
Empeg - Information source for embedded Linux
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search
Pbone RPM Search
The Unofficial Fedora FAQ
JPackage Project
Dries RPM Repository
Red Hat - One of the most popular Linux distributions
Fedora Core Support Forum
Fedora Project
RPMforge - One of the alternative RPM repositories, including those from formerly Dag, Dries, etc.
The SIG11 problem - Info on how/why we got sig11 in Linux
TuxMobil - Information on Linux mobile hardware compatibility
lpt_driver LCD display driver
Video for Linux resources
Linux on Laptops - Winmodem support for linux
OPIE - Open Palmtop Integrated Environment An open palmtop integrated environment for mobile devices
The Linux Game Tome
Linux Test Project
Welcome to Linux From Scratch!
Damn Small Linux
Freevo - Another PVR for Linux
MythTV - A Linux PVR system with many cool features like RSS reader, display weather, DVD/CD ripping, MAME support
LinuxMCE - A Linux based MCE system based on ubuntu. Desides MCE function, it also supports home automation/security and VoIP (via astrisk)
Openmoko - Information on Neo1973, a GSM+AGPS Smartphone running a linux based mobile phone stack called OpenMoko
Linux HA - High availibility components for Linux (e.g. virtual server, heartbeat, failover, etc)
free radio linux - An online radio station that boardcast linux source code by a computerised automated voice
Webmin - A web-based interface for system administration for Linux
ubuntu - A Linux distribution based on Debian, with focus on user support
Ottawa Canada Linux Users Group
Hong Kong Linux User Group
Linux Terminal Server Project - A simple way to utilize low cost workstations as either graphical or character based terminals on a GNU/Linux server
Video Disk Recorder - A Linux PVR that record TV to HDD
netfilter/iptables project - A firewall and NAT framework for linux
SmoothWall - A firewall distribution based on the GNU/Linux operating system
The Beowulf Cluster Site - A collection of resources for information on Beowulf class cluster computers
Openswan - An implementation of IPsec for Linux
RSIP for Linux - A RSIP implementation in Linux, an alternative to the NAT
TuxMobil - Linux Information for laptops, notebooks, PDAs and mobile phones
JustLinux - A Linux forum
Linux Journal - The first magazine focus on Linux
Loads of Linux Links
The Linux Documentation Project
LWN: Welcome to
Kernel based Virtual Machine - A full virtualization solution for Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions such as Intel VT or AMD-V
Gantt Project - A GANTT project management tool
Syndigator - A GTK RSS feed reader
LinuxBIOS - A open source BIOS firmware for many motherboards
Cinelerra-CV - A non-linear video processing program
uCsimm - A embedded microcontroller module built specifically for the uClinux Operating System
Fiwix - A educational OS kernel that is compatible to Linux
gDesklets - A desktop widget like those on OSX
Framebuffer UI - A very small footprint GUI for linux kernel
Linphone - A SIP VoIP client for Linux
Puppy Linux - Your fast, small and free Linux distro
Ekiga - An open source VoIP and video conferencing application for GNOME
Openfiler - Another open source NAS bsed on Linux
ThinkWiki - Wiki on Thinkpad Linux support
XBill - Bill try to hijack your Linux box, and you have to defeat him
GeeXboX - A embedded Linux distribution turn PC into a Home Theater PC (HTPC)
djmount - A linux UPnP client that mount all media on the network as a filesystem
uShare UPnP A/V Media Server - A UPnP media server for Linux
Anatomy of the Linux networking stack
Pyro - A firefox extension to integrate trusted web contents and extensions onto linux desktop environment
RPM Fusion - Aims to bring together many packagers from various 3rd party repos, including Livna, FreshRPMs, and Dribble
Interactive Linux kernel map - A visually searchable Linux kernel API and system diagram
AsteriskNOW - A customized Linux distribution that includes a full Asterisk system for home
A $10 Linux Answering Machine
How To: Building an Embedded Asterisk PBX
How To: Asterisk Answering Machine
gumstix - A finger size, full-function Linux computers size of a piece of gum
ZoneMinder - A Linux video camera security and surveillance solution
Itty-bitty, teeny-weeny Linux PCs - A overview of linux small form factor PC
maemo - A application development platform for Internet Tablets (Nokia N series) based on Gtk+/GNOME
CentOS - An enterprise-class Linux distribution based on RHEL
gOS - A Ubuntu based Linux distribution for a $199 PC sale by Wal-mart
HEYU - A text-based console program for remotely controlling lights and appliances in the home or office with X10
Linux Home Automation
chumby - A linux based internet alarm clock and widget device.
Unboxing Chumby and My First Impressions
linux kernel fuck count (linux kernel fact center)
Mythbuntu - A MythTV distribution based on Ubuntu and Openbox
Entertainer project - A easy-to-use media center solution for Gnome/Linux
Webstumb - web page snapshot-taker for Linux
Symphony OS - A distribution of GNU/Linux based on the Debian GNU/Linux and KNOPPIX operating systems
Xvoice - A speech to text application for Linux
Tanenbaum-Torvalds debate, Part II
Five Interesting Ways of Using a Chumby That Might Make You Buy It
Linutop - a Linux-based diskless computer
Softpedia - A software download portal for free software
clive - A on-line video download tool for youtube and other video hosts
MythDora - A MythTV distribution based on Fedora
tangoGPS - A GPS map program for Linux
Linux POSIX Threads Tutorial
Bug Labs - A Linux based tiny computer with a module extension
XBMC Media Center - A Xbox based MCE, which now ported to Windows, Linux and Mac
libevent - an event notification library for *nix
lguest - A simple x86 hypervisor for Linux
OpenVZ - An OS-level server virtualization solution built on Linux.
Mono - A .NET client and server applications framework for Linux and etc.
Open LINA - A Linux application virtualization framework/environment to allow Linux applications run on Windows without recompile the source code
The First Linux Botnet
The User-mode Linux Kernel Home Page - A paravirtualized Linux virtual machine
moblin - Building the next generation Linux-based mobile devices
collectd - A networked system statistics collection daemon
Scratchbox - A cross compling toolchain for embedded Linux
Javascript PC Emulator - An emulator written in javascript that runs Linux