Blogroll for tag javascript
Dynamic Drive DHTML & Javascripts library
Prototype - A Javascript library for javascript
Mastering JSON ( JavaScript Object Notation )
jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library - a fast and concise JavaScript library that help add Ajax interactions to web pages
Simplify Ajax development with jQuery
Firebug - A web development suite on firfox
HTML DOM Tutorial
JavaScript Tutorial
OpenLayers - A Javascript libary to add dynamic map on a web pager
The Dojo Toolkit - A JavaScript toolkit
OpenLaszlo - An open source platform for creating web applications GUI capabilities like desktop software. Applications is written with XML, JavaScript/DHTML and works with Flash
Yahoo! developer network - Information on integration web application with Yahoo! web services (via web API)
Eloquent JavaScript
MooTools - a compact, modular, Object-Oriented JavaScript framework
Aptana Jaxer - A Ajax server platform to deploy applciation written in javascript and Ajax
The Yahoo! User Interface Library - A javascript library from Yahoo for building Ajax and other RIA
3 Ways To Define A Javascript Class
Javascript PC Emulator - An emulator written in javascript that runs Linux
node.js - a light weight and efficient platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications
CoffeeScript - A little language that compiles into JavaScript
A Baseline for Front-End Developers
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
Twitter Bootstrap - A simple and flexible framework of HTML, CSS, and Javascript by Twitter to build interactive UI
Backbone.js - A javascript framework to develop front-end application more efficiently
PhantomJS - A headless WebKit with JavaScript API