Blogroll for tag embedded
uCsimm - A embedded microcontroller module built specifically for the uClinux Operating System
uClinux - A port of Linux to systems without a Memory Management Unit (MMU)
QNX - A Realtime operating system for embedded system
Embedded Processor and Microcontroller primer and FAQ - A primer and general FAQ about embedded processors and microcontrollers - uC/OS a royalty-free RTOS, with TCP/IP stack
Matchbox - A X Window System running on non-desktop embedded platforms - Information source for embedded Linux
What really happened on Mars?
Robotic Antarctic Meteorite Search
VxWorks - A popular real-time operating system and tools for embedded system
MiniGUI - A GUI for real-time embedded system
TinyOS - an component-based open-source operating system designed for wireless embedded sensor networks
The Contiki Operating System - An highly portable multi-tasking operating system for memory-constrained networked embedded systems (2KB RAM, 40KB ROM). It implements a light-weight protothreads that provide a linear, thread-like programming style on top of the event-driven kernel
PJSIP - A open source embedded SIP and media stack
Lua - A powerful, fast, light-weight, embeddable scripting language
Scratchbox - A cross compling toolchain for embedded Linux
PlugWiki - Resources on plug computing
BeagleBoard - A low-cost, fan-less single-board computer
PlugComputer Community