Blogroll for tag cms
Plone - A web application designed to make it easy for non-technical users to add, edit and, well, manage a website
Concrete5 - A open source CMS that make for users, but build for geeks
PHP-Nuke - A news automated system specially designed to be used in Intranets and Internet
PostNuke CMS - A CMS that creates dynamic web site and provides the webmaster with a site they can administer with a minimal amount of HTML knowledge through a web browser
Tikiwiki - A Wiki on steroid w/ many features that make it more like a CMS/groupware/on-line commuity
Mambo - A full-featured content management system that can be used for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications
Slashcode - The CMS that run /. One of the most popular geek/Linux news site out there
Pligg CMS - A open source social digg-like CMS
Digg - A service allow users to submit and vote for the most popular contents/news