Blogroll for tag blog
Twitter: What are you doing? - A global community to put out their thought in a short meesages/microblogging entries (up to 140 chars), aloow people to connect via social networking, and interact via sms, im, or on the web
一言孤島 -
LifeType - A open source blogging platform with multi-blog support for one installation
Drupal - A blogging software that allow individual or a community of users to easily publish, manage and organize a wide variety of content on a website
monaural jerk / journal maker - One of the very early weblog, journal, news, diary system
Ping-o-Matic! - A service to update different search engines that your blog has updated
w.bloggar - An application that acts as an interface between the user and one or more blog(s) - A ping server that automatically notifies subscribers when new content is posted to a website or blog
Nucleus CMS - A powerful blog running on PHP and MySQL, many function can be added on top with plugins
Bloglines - A service for searching, subscribing, publishing and sharing news feeds, blogs, and rich Web content
Movable Type - A publishing platform for business blogs and professionals
Blogger - One of the most popular blogging service providers, which is now own by Google
open journal - A perl script manage and maintain a web pages
BlogRolling - A one-stop linklist manager for blog
Geeklog - a PHP/MySQL based application for managing dynamic web content
BBlog - A powerful, elegant personal publishing system using Smarty templete system
Technorati - Another popular blog search engine, with support of tags
b2evolution - A blogging software includes all the features of traditional blog tools, and extends them with many evolved features
Typepad - A premier blogging service
LiveJournal - A simple-to-use communication tool that lets you express yourself and connect with friends online
WordPress - A state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability - Another raising blog service provider, based on a multi-users version of Wordpress
MySinaBlog - A popular blog service provider in HongKong
Xanga - A community of online diaries and journals
Vox - A free personal blogging service
Radio UserLand - A unique and powerful web publishing and weblog tool with advanced features such as an integrated news aggregator
文字.朋友.部落格 (文鋒起吾)
What "Map: Welcome to the Blogosphere" Doesn't Tell You! (Dave Lucas)
香港的Blogosphere有多大? (估算篇) (為老不專)
Habari - A blogging platfrom from a group of spinoff dev from wordpress
香港的Blogosphere有多大? (搜尋篇) (為老不專)
香港的Blogosphere有多大? (博駁博篇) (為老不專)
香港的Blogosphere有多大? (Mysinablog篇) (為老不專)
香港的Blogosphere有多大? (剪紙篇) [完] (為老不專)
香港Blogosphere清單 (為老不專)
全文feed或摘要feed?兩個都要! (ClubEddy 步落癮)
Chyrp - A lightweight but functional blogging engine
道德是這樣練成的 (Orangutan House)
小姐,妳幹嗎要道歉? (新春秋)
朋友‧雜想 (頑石記)
大學怪談: 連環女殺手
你地好意思「Blog 嘢」? (庫斯克的床)
The Dukedom of Aberdeen 香港仔公國 » 京阪行(五):信三郎帆布
好天真好傻之後 (聞.見.思.錄)
給阿嬌粉絲的一段話 (貓眼看世界)
解放/嬉戲 (Ticklish)
朋審處 (Cosine Inn)
上傳?橫傳?網朋友?朋網友? (五師兄字)
讀今天《頭條》A28版有感 (聞.見.思.錄)
黃禍 VI 之星島你福佳啦! (1-555-CONFIDE)
藏有不雅照亦可能犯法?! (庫斯克的床)
粉絲,讓明星的裸照把你搖醒 (::littleoslo::)
不看新相的六個原因 (moliuOLOGY)
另角度看淫照風波 (活在桃花島)
[豬點新聞]捉蟲 (豬欄)
瘋了 (粉雷雷的簡單人生)
香港明星,請先問你的良心在哪裡 ( ::littleoslo:: )
情人節牛扒大餐 (五師兄字)
如空氣般存在 (健吾 旅日記)
To blog or not to blog? (網絡暴民)
Alltop - A by topic blog search engine, a “online magazine rack” of popular topics
好人愈好,壞人更壞 (香港仔公國)
The Evolution of Blogging (GigaOM)