Blogroll for tag ajax
SAJAX - Simple Ajax Toolkit - A open source tool to make programming websites using the Ajax framework
Prototype - A Javascript library for javascript
Simplify Ajax development with jQuery
jQuery: The Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library - a fast and concise JavaScript library that help add Ajax interactions to web pages
Visual jQuery - Interactive JQuery documentation
htsh - A shell access via http
The Dojo Toolkit - A JavaScript toolkit
OpenLaszlo - An open source platform for creating web applications GUI capabilities like desktop software. Applications is written with XML, JavaScript/DHTML and works with Flash
Aptana Jaxer - A Ajax server platform to deploy applciation written in javascript and Ajax
ajax: a new approach to web applications (adaptive path)
Use jQuery and PHP to build an Ajax-driven Web page
Google Web Toolkit - A java toolkit from Google for writing Ajax web application
The Yahoo! User Interface Library - A javascript library from Yahoo for building Ajax and other RIA