06/04: 果年.....
06/02: 響應,福佳
05/19: 藝高人膽大
My friend Roger pointed out this one a long time ago.

暗示 Windows 的內部真的那麼不穩定,及"牙煙"?
Is Windows' internals that unstable? scary.

暗示 Windows 的內部真的那麼不穩定,及"牙煙"?
Is Windows' internals that unstable? scary.
05/16: 談我的書
自少我就不是個讀書人,上課的書看得辛苦,其他的課外書也不是很常看. 後來中了毒上癮了玩電腦就只會看電腦書及有關的技術書.還有一點覺得看其他文學作品是無謂的. 當時英文閱讀能力不是太好,就算爸爸有很多英文 manual 也不看,多自己去買些台灣的中文版.但是怎麼的也看不明.自此不看中文電腦書.
離開香港到加國讀書後,因初時沒有電腦,加上要訓綀讀英文書的能力,所以開始找來一些小說來看.第一本由頭到尾看完的是 Tom Clancy 的 Clear and Present Danger, 初讀時差不多要每隻字查字典,當然進度很慢,完全談不上在看書. "看"了40多頁便停了,數個月後一天拿起來繼續,查了數頁字典後心想:看書不是這樣的,如果要每隻生字也查字典,一世也看不完一本書.所以把心一橫就不查字典了.當遇到生字時就"估"字或跳了那句算了.出奇地,大概也看得明書在說甚麼.當然有很多內容看得不是太清楚,但看得很快.更重要是開始享受看書.之後看了很多所有 Tom Clancy 和一些戰爭類型的小說/書.
到現在少了看書,多是看綱上的文字.或者我是在等下一本 Clear and Present Danger 或是 Cyptonomicon, 一本吸引我的書.
自少我就不是個讀書人,上課的書看得辛苦,其他的課外書也不是很常看. 後來中了毒上癮了玩電腦就只會看電腦書及有關的技術書.還有一點覺得看其他文學作品是無謂的. 當時英文閱讀能力不是太好,就算爸爸有很多英文 manual 也不看,多自己去買些台灣的中文版.但是怎麼的也看不明.自此不看中文電腦書.
離開香港到加國讀書後,因初時沒有電腦,加上要訓綀讀英文書的能力,所以開始找來一些小說來看.第一本由頭到尾看完的是 Tom Clancy 的 Clear and Present Danger, 初讀時差不多要每隻字查字典,當然進度很慢,完全談不上在看書. "看"了40多頁便停了,數個月後一天拿起來繼續,查了數頁字典後心想:看書不是這樣的,如果要每隻生字也查字典,一世也看不完一本書.所以把心一橫就不查字典了.當遇到生字時就"估"字或跳了那句算了.出奇地,大概也看得明書在說甚麼.當然有很多內容看得不是太清楚,但看得很快.更重要是開始享受看書.之後看了很多所有 Tom Clancy 和一些戰爭類型的小說/書.
到現在少了看書,多是看綱上的文字.或者我是在等下一本 Clear and Present Danger 或是 Cyptonomicon, 一本吸引我的書.
Pig reported on Twitter that we now have a shortcode to send update to from Canada.
It works, but I wonder if the local code cost me money. I have 100 free SMS from on my phone, a good way to use them is Tweeting.
file[maz5dead.JPG] is an invalid type: only jpg/jpeg, gif and png types are allowed.It works, but I wonder if the local code cost me money. I have 100 free SMS from on my phone, a good way to use them is Tweeting.
05/05: 悼
A week ago today, I got into a car accident.....
I was lucky to walk away from it mostly alright, now
When will I wake up from this mess?
04/30: Silence for the Day
Andy just announced the first even book on NucleusCMS is out now. It's a milestone for the project and showing the popularity of the software in Japan.

Amazon.co.jp: Nucleus CMS Japan
file[quality_of_man.JPG] is an invalid type: only jpg/jpeg, gif and png types are allowed.

Amazon.co.jp: Nucleus CMS Japan
04/22: Quality of Man
I was thinking the other day, does in general success is determined by the quality of man?
This quote from movie First Option, pop in mind:

However, Chinese used to say you need to use proper tool, if you want to do a good job (工欲善其事,必先利其器)
From own experience, I feel that the equipment play a big part. I observed my snowboarding as an example that I ride better with Burton SW, than GNU CHB. As the GNU getting old and flat (vs snappy), my turns become less lively. And I saw so many cases of bad equipment hampering student progress. Another example is my badminton racket, with the Ti-7 I can hit it to the back of the court (when I swing properly)
I guess there is certain truth in it.
This quote from movie First Option, pop in mind:
However, Chinese used to say you need to use proper tool, if you want to do a good job (工欲善其事,必先利其器)
From own experience, I feel that the equipment play a big part. I observed my snowboarding as an example that I ride better with Burton SW, than GNU CHB. As the GNU getting old and flat (vs snappy), my turns become less lively. And I saw so many cases of bad equipment hampering student progress. Another example is my badminton racket, with the Ti-7 I can hit it to the back of the court (when I swing properly)
I guess there is certain truth in it.