Her full page picture on last Sunday's Weekend edition of Ottawa Citizen first caught my eyes, then the word blog ensure I'm reading the article... when you thought we finally get over with Monica, here comes Jessica.
Where is the snow?
Many major skihills out West are ready to open as early as this weekend, but we still not getting anything except some frost here in Ottawa.
I can smell it's coming.....
Many major skihills out West are ready to open as early as this weekend, but we still not getting anything except some frost here in Ottawa.
I can smell it's coming.....
10/28: Heng's Birthday Pictures
10/28: Test Post from z600
hello world

I was just checking out alternative to my DSL connection from Sympatico the other day and found nothing that's give me better uplink..... that's 0.8Mb (~65KB/s after overhead and such). Hopefully, Bell's going to deploy FTTP soon.
Verizon Taking FTTP Installation Orders
Verizon Taking FTTP Installation Orders
10/25: Some History of Hong Kong
Just did a quick search on Google about HK's Mark I resettlement housing and come across this: History of Hong Kong
10/25: Back from TO
Spent my weekend in Toronto. Did some shopping like replace the broken compass in the car. Finally got the UK body armor cover from Creative, since I found a use for it; carry gears when snowboarding.
Enjoy listening to Uncle Nick about how life in Hong Kong back in 50s. The Mark 1/2 resettlement housings and how the toliet stinks.
Hook up with the usual suspects/partners in crime (aka Nelson and Claude) for supper + bubble tea. This time we tried a new place (relative to us, of course) at #7 across from Time square. They have awesome decorations and music. The bonus is all the cute waitresses around us.....
We read magazines and shoot some bulls. I, as always, bring up photography questions to Claude, he explains to me how many commerical shoots are done in the magazine.
Enjoy listening to Uncle Nick about how life in Hong Kong back in 50s. The Mark 1/2 resettlement housings and how the toliet stinks.

Hook up with the usual suspects/partners in crime (aka Nelson and Claude) for supper + bubble tea. This time we tried a new place (relative to us, of course) at #7 across from Time square. They have awesome decorations and music. The bonus is all the cute waitresses around us.....

10/15: AV shooting in progress
10/14: Podcasting test
10/14: Admun 1st year
Yeah, it's been a year since I start play around with this blogging thingy and particularly Nucleus.
I'm still having fun.
I'm still having fun.