The killer of VT sent in some video and stuff to NBC, and people are thinking should it be open up for all to see.
I don't know this is really the best way to handle... I am not disagree with what Dave said, but I am concerned we are doing exactly what the killer want us to do; view and publicize it (even worst, put it on YouTube).
It's the knowing that the act will indirectly "glorify" in some way that we should not encourage. We are granting to this guy a honor (in a bad way) when we open these contents up for all to see. What you would think when you know these video will be viewed on the net and TV after you die? (getting excited? I am wondering maybe that how they feel?)
I hope NBC just turns it over to Authority, have it lock up for years before re-open it in public domain. Of course, meanwhile it can be accessed by those have a good reason to (i.e. academic), but not to those "just to see what the hype about" type.
How do we balance between public interest (to know the truth), and encouraging such evil act?
I don't know this is really the best way to handle... I am not disagree with what Dave said, but I am concerned we are doing exactly what the killer want us to do; view and publicize it (even worst, put it on YouTube).
It's the knowing that the act will indirectly "glorify" in some way that we should not encourage. We are granting to this guy a honor (in a bad way) when we open these contents up for all to see. What you would think when you know these video will be viewed on the net and TV after you die? (getting excited? I am wondering maybe that how they feel?)
I hope NBC just turns it over to Authority, have it lock up for years before re-open it in public domain. Of course, meanwhile it can be accessed by those have a good reason to (i.e. academic), but not to those "just to see what the hype about" type.
How do we balance between public interest (to know the truth), and encouraging such evil act?
04/15: Who Celebrity I Looks Like?
There is a recent report about lottery fraud in Ontario and followed up by police investigation. The amusing part is that soon after that a class-action suit is filed against the Lottery company..... I mean, I can sue because I am unlucky and because someone cheat my luck?
Speaking of luck, I recently won a weekly draw at my work's cafeteria.

I am not a very lucky person, I rarely won thing with luck.
Wondering what is the odd of someone winning a lunch at work..... must be pretty high because I have only been submit for the draw for a few months.
Speaking of luck, I recently won a weekly draw at my work's cafeteria.

I am not a very lucky person, I rarely won thing with luck.
Wondering what is the odd of someone winning a lunch at work..... must be pretty high because I have only been submit for the draw for a few months.
03/23: 人blog我又blog之 - 我為何blog
posted by: Admun
tags: blog, hkbloggers
現在才講這題目真的很 out... 想寫主要是 for the record.
我在2003年開這 blog 時,或多或少是跟風.當時 blog 在美國開始與起,我認為長遠來說網站的發展會朝 blog 這方向走.試問誰還會自已寫 HTML 當有軟件 generate 整個 website?所以我就放棄了在 geocities 的網站,用家中的 server 自建了這 blog.
而我又是一個怪人,喜歡"搞機"- 玩 server, 玩 linux, 玩 sysadmin,學吓試吓是我的嗜好.我不喜歡用現成的 bsp,寧願 reinvent the wheel.選 blogging 軟件也用一個很好但是不是很流行的 NucleusCMS.因為很多功能也沒有人寫,所以有很多的機會給我去發掘各種新的 web technologies.現在我多在寫 plugins 去整合 Nucleus 與其他網上服務(i.e. blogroll, tagging,, Technorati, etc.).
可以說我 blog 因為我 develop,寫只是玩 blog/玩 server的副產品.
有了這個平台,也需要內容.因我多留意 web2.0,linux,及 open source 的訊息就正好給我寫 blog 的題目,加上我 snowboard,生活日記,及相片等就成了我 blog.
我相信 blog is anything 是香港 blogsphere 的方向及出路.只要我們不被各 bsp 邊緣/孤立/siloize,香港的 blog 界是會百花齊放的 是 ralevant 的,bsp blog &公海 blog 也是 blog.香港的 blogsphere 可以是很大的.
blog is anything.
原來我是bsp blogger
留言當新篇 (二) 自我反省
我在2003年開這 blog 時,或多或少是跟風.當時 blog 在美國開始與起,我認為長遠來說網站的發展會朝 blog 這方向走.試問誰還會自已寫 HTML 當有軟件 generate 整個 website?所以我就放棄了在 geocities 的網站,用家中的 server 自建了這 blog.
而我又是一個怪人,喜歡"搞機"- 玩 server, 玩 linux, 玩 sysadmin,學吓試吓是我的嗜好.我不喜歡用現成的 bsp,寧願 reinvent the wheel.選 blogging 軟件也用一個很好但是不是很流行的 NucleusCMS.因為很多功能也沒有人寫,所以有很多的機會給我去發掘各種新的 web technologies.現在我多在寫 plugins 去整合 Nucleus 與其他網上服務(i.e. blogroll, tagging,, Technorati, etc.).
可以說我 blog 因為我 develop,寫只是玩 blog/玩 server的副產品.
有了這個平台,也需要內容.因我多留意 web2.0,linux,及 open source 的訊息就正好給我寫 blog 的題目,加上我 snowboard,生活日記,及相片等就成了我 blog.
我相信 blog is anything 是香港 blogsphere 的方向及出路.只要我們不被各 bsp 邊緣/孤立/siloize,香港的 blog 界是會百花齊放的 是 ralevant 的,bsp blog &公海 blog 也是 blog.香港的 blogsphere 可以是很大的.
blog is anything.
原來我是bsp blogger
留言當新篇 (二) 自我反省
03/19: Face
03/15: Wall of Graffiti, or Art?
03/13: Wall of Posters
In Hong Kong, just after dark and even many stores are still open, people already putting up posters on closed stores. It makes quite a sight sometimes, note the types of posters on the walls.....

Since 9 weeks program is done, things are winding down for the season. The weather on Monday was so cold that I decided not to go up for riding.

On Saturday, Camp Fortune was raining while temperature under freezing point.... weird. The rain turns into layer of ice on the ground, chairlift, and on me.

Luckily, the snow condition was good, actually surprisingly nice. I took the advantage to turn in some mileage on steep terrain of slalom.
Main focus:
- Not thinking, just turning
- Done both Big wide turns and short-radius turns
- Quiet upper body anticipation/movement, more driving with knee.
- Put in Flexion and Extension
- Putting in some 180 hop at the end of run to get good at the trick
03/04: Week 9 Snowboarding - 滑雪板記錄
Monday night
- Doing more A&I with Richard, Mary-Ann, Steve, and Bernie. We watch each other ride and point out weakness and provide feedback to improve.
My problems:
- Stance and balance: laying back
- Steering: too much anticipation for craving turn instead of drive with knee
- Pressure control: lifting shoulder on extension
- Timing: flex & extension too fast
- keep a A form of hands while riding
- keep hands in board when anticipation and use more knee to drive the turn
- push body forward on steeper terrain (i.e. the pit)
- ensure to flex and extend more
- Benoit run "just ride" session, done many runs on steep terrain
It's the last day of 9 weeks program. So, many dress up for the lesson.
- Doing more A&I with Richard, Mary-Ann, Steve, and Bernie. We watch each other ride and point out weakness and provide feedback to improve.
My problems:
- Stance and balance: laying back
- Steering: too much anticipation for craving turn instead of drive with knee
- Pressure control: lifting shoulder on extension
- Timing: flex & extension too fast
- keep a A form of hands while riding
- keep hands in board when anticipation and use more knee to drive the turn
- push body forward on steeper terrain (i.e. the pit)
- ensure to flex and extend more
- Benoit run "just ride" session, done many runs on steep terrain
It's the last day of 9 weeks program. So, many dress up for the lesson.
03/02: Fon-dy-Do-Dada
So do I want to run FON so I have free WIFI access when visiting a few places around the world?
I check their map, there are many places in and around Ottawa have FON running, even 3 in my neighborhood.
But I think the risk is more than benefit to me right now:
- I don't really travel around that much and use my laptop on the road.
- It seem to be violating my ISP agreement to share my connection like this.
Extended reading from Boardband reports
I check their map, there are many places in and around Ottawa have FON running, even 3 in my neighborhood.
But I think the risk is more than benefit to me right now:
- I don't really travel around that much and use my laptop on the road.
- It seem to be violating my ISP agreement to share my connection like this.
Extended reading from Boardband reports