08/02: 九龍皇帝

2000年聖誕我在回港時在尖沙咀太空館附近見到這墨寶,覺得很久沒見到這個熟悉又陌生的.所以拍下它. (p.s. it's B&W)
Related reading:
07/26: 自我起底
posted by: Admun
只可說欺凌不可長..... 除非你是那種到處放火,自找是非的人 (then you deserve it).
一向以來自己很小心在網上暴露私隱,因為有見先例.所以在blog上很小談公司/工作上的事,自建的web album也大部份加了password.
Bottom line,我們要向自己在網上的一言一行負責.
只可說欺凌不可長..... 除非你是那種到處放火,自找是非的人 (then you deserve it).
一向以來自己很小心在網上暴露私隱,因為有見先例.所以在blog上很小談公司/工作上的事,自建的web album也大部份加了password.
Bottom line,我們要向自己在網上的一言一行負責.
I went to San Fransisco in May, to my pleasant surprise Air Canada finally has power outlet in the economy class. Now I can watch my own movie on my T60.

07/04: Post-Modem Mazda
If it wasn't I total lost my Protege 5, it should have been returned to the dealer by now. I guess I can say a few words about my almost 4 years experience with this car.
It's a good car and relatively fun to drive. The handling is very precise, I think the low(er) profile tires and rim did quite a bit to improve the feel on the road.
The engine is reasonable powerful, for a 130hp, mileage is decently @ ~550ish km/tank.
The 4 speed automatic w/ sport mode is fun, but with a bit lag (which is expected unless you are shifting a DSG)
The most complain I found is rust.

I understand that I have the car idle for 6 months (starting in winter....), which seem to be really not good to my car even I carwash it before I park and leave town. I have a break rusted and need replace after I came back, but it didn't happen to my Golf..... maybe it's the 6 months idling.... But the body is starting to rust on various spots and the fact that I found how thin the paint+primer is make me believe it's not really a good car for Ontario since the salt here eat it alive.... I have seen 2002 one on the road with rusts on it and I was wondering what's the story... until I saw my rusted too. I found that the hatch was rusted badly under the plate holder, which some of the salt might have trap there, but again I do not have the same problem with my Golf.
All in all, it still a good car to have. But if you ask me if I want to have another one, my answer is no. It just my preference to try out different car when I get a new one.
It's a good car and relatively fun to drive. The handling is very precise, I think the low(er) profile tires and rim did quite a bit to improve the feel on the road.
The engine is reasonable powerful, for a 130hp, mileage is decently @ ~550ish km/tank.
The 4 speed automatic w/ sport mode is fun, but with a bit lag (which is expected unless you are shifting a DSG)
The most complain I found is rust.

I understand that I have the car idle for 6 months (starting in winter....), which seem to be really not good to my car even I carwash it before I park and leave town. I have a break rusted and need replace after I came back, but it didn't happen to my Golf..... maybe it's the 6 months idling.... But the body is starting to rust on various spots and the fact that I found how thin the paint+primer is make me believe it's not really a good car for Ontario since the salt here eat it alive.... I have seen 2002 one on the road with rusts on it and I was wondering what's the story... until I saw my rusted too. I found that the hatch was rusted badly under the plate holder, which some of the salt might have trap there, but again I do not have the same problem with my Golf.
All in all, it still a good car to have. But if you ask me if I want to have another one, my answer is no. It just my preference to try out different car when I get a new one.
06/30: 七一, 福佳
10 years come and go. There's been ups and downs.
Let's hope the next 10 years going to be better.
Let's hope the next 10 years going to be better.
06/26: 工頭堅 on 親情, 孝道 & 愛情
06/25: 人生不如意事十常八九
這事之後,一個同事對我說: "As you get older you learn that you actually fall a lot, but the important thing is to get back up."
這事之後,一個同事對我說: "As you get older you learn that you actually fall a lot, but the important thing is to get back up."
I just went to see Pirates of C. today (finally). As usual, they showed a bunch of trailers. One of them is Stardust, where I saw a familiar face.... I was thinking to myself; I know him, he is... he is... he is... what's his name again?
You can tell I am really brain struck at that moment, I tried really hard to recall the name but getting nowhere. Then I pull out my Moto Ming and bring up Google via GPRS, search for "Heat Val Kimer" (yes, I spell Kilmer wrong). I remember this fellow was in this movie with the Iceman. This lead me to IMDB.
The answer is Robert De Niro! Of course.
The wireless Internet saves the day. But then I realized I have used over 500KB already this month.... all I did was a few tweets and a Google search. My Fido GPRS plan included 500KB for $5.....
Another good testimonial on how useful(less) current GPRS plan on Fido. I think I really need a reasonable wireless Internet service. Hyper-connectivity, please!
You can tell I am really brain struck at that moment, I tried really hard to recall the name but getting nowhere. Then I pull out my Moto Ming and bring up Google via GPRS, search for "Heat Val Kimer" (yes, I spell Kilmer wrong). I remember this fellow was in this movie with the Iceman. This lead me to IMDB.
The answer is Robert De Niro! Of course.
The wireless Internet saves the day. But then I realized I have used over 500KB already this month.... all I did was a few tweets and a Google search. My Fido GPRS plan included 500KB for $5.....
Another good testimonial on how useful(less) current GPRS plan on Fido. I think I really need a reasonable wireless Internet service. Hyper-connectivity, please!
06/17: 我為何撐港台
This screenshot says it all, do you see TVB has porgramme like this? Maybe, but quality and frequency of this is few and far between.

This is just one of so many good quality shows RTHK did each year.
Related reading:
- Just a Sidekick
- Support RTHK

This is just one of so many good quality shows RTHK did each year.
Related reading:
- Just a Sidekick
- Support RTHK
06/16: 我的爸爸和電腦鬧交
爸爸用這台電腦來做stock research,我和弟弟就當然是玩游戲.當年還沒有Internet去下載,所以我和弟弟要打字輸入BASIC寫的程式.
爸爸用這台電腦來做stock research,我和弟弟就當然是玩游戲.當年還沒有Internet去下載,所以我和弟弟要打字輸入BASIC寫的程式.