posted by: Admun
I still have not watch this documentary yet, but I might be soon watching on TV.... if the guy get his way.

BTW, some more references on facts in the film, see here

p.s. This is my 100th post!
posted by: Admun
While reading about some drama (more here) over at Friendster, I bumped into this article. A good read about blogging and its potential privarcy/legal/liability issue. I have never really thought about it, but it's indeed a minefeild we are walking on.

For privacy reason, I was cautious and hesitate on putting up posts on certain area/details since day 1. ie work, political/other opinion and more sensitive thought. My gut feeling was worrying somethings (but don't know what in particularly) since it's all out in the open and I guess this post give me the food for thought.

posted by: Admun
The man with tee roll-up to the chest just so Mainland Chinese. By looking at the picture without any description, I can guess he's from PRC.... not necessary it's a bad thing. It just like all the cute asian gals making a V-4-victory sign in front of camera are likely from Japan. Ok, I'm a bit stereotyping here....

BTW, I don't know if Luis noticed, another common sight of "amusement" (at least to me) is people in China crouching on the sidewalk or other public places (sometimes rolling up their tee at the same time) while waiting or taking a break. In other countries, people either find a bench/fence/curb to sit on or simply standing instead.... But in China, it seems more fashionable to just sit on your feet.... aren't they get tried in that position after a while?

Points of Amusement 1
posted by: Admun
Taking pictures of her new outfit, some nice fashions on display, nice dressing gals on the street... and as a mirror.

We're just so creative about this new toy.

Digital Media Europe: News - UK girls use camera-phones to check their hair - poll
posted by: Admun
I know there will be a LOT of photographers in a mega sport event like the Olympics, but never thought of how many camera will be there.

Just how many camera are at Athens?

Now I know: It's a big amount!

They bring in a battlion of professional level camera with premium lens. All these camera are preset by the sideline and linked wirelessly. So, the photographer just hit a button and all of them snap away.

In addition, photographers bring in their big gun and taken up position to snap on some detail/focus/target shot that the preset camera won't catch.

So, that's how they waste films.... oh, I mean how that are able to take a lot of pictures to ensure something turn up.

I rememebered reading about how low the turn out of pictures taken in sports event, and I definitely know it first hand when taking pictures for our soccer team. That 1 million dollars shot is actually just one of the many, many that failed.
file[curry_pot_1.JPG] is an invalid type: only jpg/jpeg, gif and png types are allowed.

08/25: Curry

posted by: Admun
I made curry from time to time, it's actually quite easy to made.

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08/24: Double Decker

posted by: Admun
Double Decker

When I was kid, my Uncle Wong visit us from time to time. He always bring this chocolate to me and my brother.

The chocolate used to be made with nougatine on the top, and fudge on the buttom. That's how the name come by.

These days, it has changed that top is fudge and buttom is chocolate with crispy cereal.

It brings back good memory.

posted by: Admun
I finally score once in the game of ultimate! We were doing some cuts and swings, and I just keep running around and stay open to ready for the disc. I was in the end zone waiting when the disc comes in fast and high, it flights past Dinemis and I just run in a bit and catch it from behind.

We were beaten at the end, but still we have a good games with some scores.
posted by: Admun
Learnt more cooking tricks from Uncle Nick.

- When marinating beefs, add a bit of water. The meat absorbs the water, which helps keep the meat juicy.
- Spay some water on the grill to do some "fire fighting" when it gets too hot. This helps keep the meat out of the burns' way.
- Add some old soy sauce to the meat can add a light favor and color to the BBQ.
- Use really low power to cook

posted by: Admun
A old picture....

Gatineau 2001
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