posted by: Admun

01/22: Blogwise

posted by: Admun
I was checking around for blog from Hong Kong, bumped into Blogwise. A lot of blog from HK are registered there.

So, now I'm registered there too. cool

Blogwise - blog directory
posted by: Admun
Some calls it craziness, some calls it dedication, but I calls it I like it.

It's -22 right now, probably over -30 with windchill, and I'm going up the skihill for the class tonight.

I was up there last night for some boarding myself, didn't take a break at all for 2+ hours with the element. Too bad I dropped my camera while boarding (stupid me...), I could take some pixtures.
posted by: Admun
tags: ,
Hehehehe.... waiting, while significant other shopping.

無奈的男人們 from here

01/21: You're Fired

posted by: Admun
It must be a Japanese thing. I mean you get fired for been educated, even after you show year after year you can handle the job well?

In Hong Kong (probaly else where?), it used to be that "overquailfy" is a reason to turn down a candidate. The employer sees since you have higher qualification, you might used the job as a temparary job before you can find a better one. It is a hassle to have to hire again if the employee left soon after started. It sort of make sense to me. (Hum, wondering if this is still ture in Hong Kong?)

But firing someone that is overqualified after they have work many years, I hope that mean loyalty to in the eyes of the employer, that really confused me? I can see if these drivers were fired for false information provide during the hiring process, at least that sounds more legitimate to me.

Anyway, I can imagine the manager say this when firing the driver (just joking, no offense):

Manager: "We learned recently that you have a degree, true? Tell me the truth now"
Driver: "Yes, I have one...." (cut short by the manager)
Manager: "You Bastard! You're a shame to us all work here, how you tell some lie like this and work here everyday?"
Driver: "But I can do..." (cut short again)
Manager: "You're a disgrace to us, the school that educate you, and your family! Go find a job else where and don't waste your time here!"

I serviously want to believe it happens like this....

Japan Today - News - Aomori fires two bus drivers for being overqualified - Japan's Leading International News Network

01/20: Turning 0x22

posted by: Admun
Me, Myself, ED$ - A year ago

Another year, just another year in life.

I don't want to make it a big deal.... But hey, I'm blogging about myself and things around me.

It's been a long way from the beginning; tumbling childhood years, schooled in the colonial society, graduated from F.5x3, from Hong Kong to Canada, graduated from high school again, college/university, working in the profession I love in the capital, all the adventures, perfecting my ride on the hill.

I've been lucky in life and I'm glad the world been easy on me.

All the recent tragic in the world and things happen around me makes me treasure more what I have today; families, friends, health, whatever.

Maybe I'm just getting old.... I mean more mature.

For my birthday, here's my wish(es) (Yes, I'm greedy):
- A relationship with someone I can share my life with
- Be a better me, excel in every aspects; might that be work, wealth, snowboarding, EQ
- Happiness, for myself and all people
- And of course, world peace
posted by: Admun
...It's about the man next to you...

- Hoot, Black Hawk Down
posted by: Admun
It's just hilarious, but yet sad and sarcastic.

Yahoo Presents JibJab - Second Term
posted by: Admun
After a week of rain, bitter cold, and ice world, snow finally coming down. It just in time for tomorrow so I can hit the hill for a night of snowboarding.

posted by: Admun
tags: , ,
So, Google's proposing a new rel="nofollow" attribute to discourage comment/trackback spams on blog.

This problem is getting worse everyday and I'm glad someone is taking point to deal with it.

Google Blog
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